ProjectHR Sponsors Ads


Reach thousands of professionals anywhere, any time.

ProjectHR helps you connect with top Human Resources and Labor Relations professionals looking to fully engage and inspire their workforce. 

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Sponsor ProjectHR  

Put your message in front of thousands of top-level HR Executives, labor and employment attorneys, and Employee Relations experts from across the globe!

Each and every week, ProjectHR brings insight, stories and wisdom from industry experts around the world, inspiring innovative thinking and conversations about the future of work.

Now, you have the opportunity to connect with our audience!

Podcast for HR and Labor Relations Professionals

Sample A Real ProjectHR Ad:

Does Podcast Advertising Really Work?

According to comScore, ads within a podcast are the least intrusive when compared with other types of digital ads. And not only do listeners not mind hearing them— they act on them. The study of 2,000 U.S. respondents ages 18 to 49 found that two-thirds of listeners have acted on ads they heard in a podcast either by researching a product or service or by actually purchasing something they first heard about in an episode.

People Prefer Ads in Podcasts Over Any Digital Medium

of listeners

42 percent of listeners consider a new product or service after hearing a plug for a brand.

of listeners

 45% of listeners are likely to visit an advertiser’s website after hearing an audio promo.

of listeners

 65% of listeners are likely to buy a product after hearing an ad in a podcast.

The answer is simple. TARGETED REACH. 

On ProjectHR, we interview top level authors, industry experts and researchers, as well as those who are “in the trenches,” doing the hard work every day to meet the needs of their workforce. Our influential guests have incredible reach around the globe, and more importantly, our listeners are in a position to take action on what they hear. Through our extensive network, your message will be heard by actual decision makers.

ProjectHR Sponsorship Opportunities

Single Episode

We will promote your brand, product or service with a mention by the host in the episode’s open and close, as well as a professionally narrated 30-second ad, which our team of writers will work with you to script.



They say it takes multiple touches to affect behavior, so you can choose our three-episode package to reinforce your message! We’ll re-air your professionally-produced ad and mention you in the open and close of three non-consecutive episodes. Add the web & social package to your three-episode sponsorship for $2000. 



Want some serious traction from your sponsorship? Add our Web & Social package!

  • Permanent Backlink on Episode Page
  • Your Logo on Episode Page
  • One Social Post On Our Channels

The most effective way! 


Sample A Real ProjectHR Ad


Who will write my script?

Our team of professional writers will be happy to draft your spot for you. From there, we'll work with you to be sure the ad conveys exactly what you want our listeners to know. Once you are happy with it, we'll have professional voice-over talent record your message.. Male or female, serious or energetic, the choice is yours!

Can I choose my episode?

if you'd like to match the guest to your product or service, click here to email us and let us know once you've completed your booking. We'll be happy to look ahead at the production calendar and help you connect with those who are most likely to take advantage of your offer.

Where can I listen to ProjectHR?

ProjectHR is available here on our website, as well as on Apple Podcasts, Podbay, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcast content!